July 14, 2014

DIY - Japanese Temari Ball (Flower Design)

Japanese Temari Ball (Flower Design)

Another project from my textiles arts and crafts class a year ago!

Temari ball is a decorative/embroidery ball that can have many different designs (from simple to elaborate/complicated). For my craft, I decided on a simple design with a few colors (white, light pink, gold and brown)
It may look simple and plain, but it takes a lot of time to make! If you're looking for a time consuming craft, this is it.

In process . . .

Applying and sewing the outer flower design with gold and brown 3-piece embroidery thread
 The light pink thread divides the ball into 8 sections

 Making an 8 point flower design in the middle with light pink thread.
I initially chose an orange/gold design but later switched it to brown/gold.
I thought that a dark color would contrast well with the lighter neutral colors.

 Using light pink thread to create a rose pattern in the middle (left)
Side view of the temari ball (right)

We weren't actually given instructions on how to make designs on the temari ball, so I searched online and found a basic flower shape. If you search online you can see some very elaborate and detailed embroidery which definitely puts my temari ball to shame ;o;
Using a fine/thin sewing thread for the base of the design looks better than a medium sized thread because it creates a smoother effect. I used a medium sized thread because I was lazy lol

- Small styrofoam ball (OPTIONAL, just makes it faster/easier to wind the thread around), medium sized thread or wool, sewing thread, sewing needle, pins and scissors.

Quick How-To Make / Instructions

Step 1
Use the medium sized thread or wool to wrap around the styrofoam ball until you can no longer see the ball. Once you have your desired size, tuck the thread into the ball. Or skip the styrofoam ball because that is so non-traditional and use the thread from start lol.
Step 2
Use sewing thread to wrap around the ball until the medium sized thread or wool underneath can no longer be seen. Tuck the thread into the ball so it won't stick out.
Step 3
Pin a "north" and "south" pole at opposite ends. Use pins to make an equator and also pin the halfway area between the north/south pole and equator. The area from the "north" to "south" pole will have 4 sections divided in horizontal lines.
Use pins to divide the ball into 8 sections forming vertical lines from the "north" to "south" pole, like orange slices by measuring 1/8th sections with paper.
Place pins to mark the sections and sew dividing lines with sewing thread. 
Step 4
Google how to make nice designs because that shit is fucking hard. HERE is a nicely detailed tutorial. Refer to Figure E if you're confused about the 8 section orange slice part.
Even though I'm writing from personal experience of making the ball, I am of no help here, sorry.

Okay so this tutorial may not be really helpful but if you have any questions let me know, and I'll try to answer them the best I can~

At the end of my class I think I lost 10% of my grade because I skipped the last few days LOL... I finished all my projects though -_-


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